

Update: Ooops... (Week #14-15)

Roughly two weeks have gone by since I have put any actual updates or posts on here.  I had been doing pretty decent with keeping the exercise and food logs up to date, until about two Fridays ago (the 17th of June).  Keep on reading if you're interested to know what happened...

So, Friday the 17th, after work was the beginning of my vacation.  I went to a wedding on Saturday, and that was the beginning of a week filled with slipping on my eating habits, etc...

Because I waited so long, the details of the week in regards to food and what not, are a bit fuzzy.  However, there was quite a bit of candy and some beer (Summer Honey - oh my gosh how I missed that) at the wedding, "Alice Springs Chicken and fries" from Outback Steakhouse, a juicy full cheeseburger and fries from Jakers, and as far as meals at home - very little salad, ample soft shell chicken tacos and pizzas of my creation (both tacos and pizza).

Exercise wise, starting on Friday the 17th, I think I made it out the door for a jog 2-3 times total.  I do not recall if I made it out that weekend or not, maybe early on the Wedding day (the 18th), and then Tuesday and Thursday I made it out for a jogging and walking - Tuesday was about 4 miles worth combined jogging and walking for the day, Thursday had about 2 miles - these do not include running errands.  I neglected stretching and my hand rehabbing exercises all week long.

Based on the above, can you guess what happened?  Well, at one point I weighed in at 207 lbs on the nose!  That was either Wednesday morning or Tuesday evening.  I've since gone up about 5 lbs - granted this AM I was "down" to around 210 lbs - so I'm slowly curving things back.  However, over this passed weekend (25th-26th) my back decided to revolt on me.  Lower left corner primarily, kind of verging around the hip area - just a throbbing ache, made it difficult to bend or do much of what my weekend consisted of (rearranging my desk at work - physically moving the desk around and swapping part of the desk out).  Saturday my entire low back was shot by the time I got done - granted I had to go back on Sunday to finish a few things up - not nearly as bad of a pain, but it was still there (did a bunch of stretching Sunday morning and popped some ibuprofen before heading out).  My hands....for the most part, have been champs all week.  However, my left hand around the knuckle area of my pinky and ring fingers have a very nasty "cramp" feeling after doing the physical labor at work over the weekend.  I don't know if I can blame that pain on the lack of the rehabbing or not - but it has been a long time since I've felt that type of sore/cramping.  My thumbs and wrists, while still prone to pain from too much weight applied to them - especially at the wrong angles - have not been giving me much grief; I have been massaging the thumb joint areas every day with a golf ball, but that's been it.

So, with this giant backsliding on all my gains....I have to refocus and get myself back into gear.  When I took my "vacation" , every other part of me appeared to as well.  My mental drive and determination definitely took a vacation.  I got very lazy, and didn't accomplish much of anything productive over my week off.  While some may say "you're on vacation, you're supposed to relax" - I get that.  But, there's "relax" , and then there's "being lazy".  Damnit I was lazy.  Lazy lazy lazy.  I'm actually pretty disgusted with myself.  Because of this, everything now has backslid into "slug mode" and "just getting by".  It's a horrible mentality and routine to have fallen into - especially when only two weeks ago I was pushing myself to be so much better and be active, etc...

Now, the next challenge has presented itself:  get my ass back in gear and beat this slump - and then get back on track to my previous goals.  Oh!  One quick note worthy item!  On Tuesday the 21st when I had put in 4mi +/- a bit, I managed to jog the distance of the sidewalk in front of my apartment to the entrance of building door to my work.  There's one goal I can now check off (oh yea, and it burned the crap out of my lungs LOL).